Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Another year is upon us, or so they say. Why is that we all think that when the new year takes place "This" year is going to be different, or better, or both? Nevertheless, we always seem to find ourselves in the same spot every year, making new years resolutions that seem to expire January 31st. Funny, it sounds like a great idea on December 31st, but then soon after it's too much to fit into my schedule. For me, 2005 greeted me with 80 hour work weeks, and 36 hour shifts at work. I have come to the conclusion that sleeping is over rated. I guess I should be happy, because in the end the money makes it all worth it. I mean we tell each other it is the dedication to our job, the team, or the case. But who are we kidding? We do it for the Benjamins! School has taken off once again, and so has my crazy schedule of a 45 hour work week on top of a 16 hour school week not to mention trying to squeeze in studying and maybe a slight social life. My social life consists of a phone call to my friends while I am driving to or from school. However, tomorrow I actually have plans to leave my automobile and will attempt to show my face in public after my winter hibernation. Wish me luck! That is unless my grades are submitted tomorrow and I might be forced to flee the U.S. Stay posted..


adena said...

Wow you sound like you need a vacation. Poor thing.

bitsandgiggles said...

No fleeing until we have dinner at Wallse!