Sunday, March 06, 2005

According to the surgeon general, consumption of alcohol impairs your ability to control your fingers.

All dressed up, and single. What a Bice! This Italian restaurant is another on the preferred list of mine, and described by Zagats as the place to go "when looking for a rich businessman". You can tell they are accurate as the dress code that evening seemed to be navy blue suit, white shirt and tie. Nevertheless, after two bottles of Chianti, instead of focusing on the ineligible rich businessman that I was sharing dinner with, I was drunk dialing (or drunk texting) the Midwestern. After I specifically swore not to let my guard down again. This was after Monday's talk of "rhythms" and "space". The games we play! But as you can see, the brick laying job is not doing so well after a few drinks. No wonder they say not to operate heavy machinery while intoxicated. They know how dangerous a cell phone can be on a Friday night. After dinner, I played it safe took a car home, alone, and called it a night. The next day, the Asian boyfriend was the one drunk dialing me. Isn't he great? I keep him around, because if I ever think I am going to get any of that from the Midwestern. You'd have a better chance of catching me on St. Mark's place, Sat night, drinking a beer, without a glass. Regardless, I have gotten accustomed to splitting the boyfriends. (Oops, sorry I dropped the BF. Was that dust I just saw?). The Asian is good for BF things like apt hunting, and watching chick flicks together. While the other one, let's just say it would be a crime to turn your back on such amazing....Conversations of course ;) Unfortunately, we all know the truth. As much as I like to act like I don't care. I do have more than just a g-spot for the non-Asian BF. Shhh, don't tell him, it would ruin my reputation.


W. Kerry Huang said...

Hmm...apt hunting, chick flick, that's sounds more like a girlfriend or a queer eye, which would make you a fag hag. But given me metro-ness, (don't worry Kim, no man jewels, yet; just a dope armband made of wood, HOT!), you're not so much a fag hag but more of a...oh, I don't know. Oy, now I have a headache. Call my acupuncturist, extend my rolfing session, and GOD DAMN IT, WHERE IS MY SEAWEED WRAP?!

EJ said...

Okay your my AzN. My metrosexual straight fag. I can do anything with you "my Azn boyfriend" except you get no booty.