Monday, May 25, 2009

Emanuel MBE Bar in Box and Refresher course

I was lucky that my friend who is now Esq.and scored a whopping 165 on his MBE's gave me his secret weapon. We all remember Emanuel from law school days he had the great study guides and outlines for our law school subjects. Well he also happens to specialize in MBE bar prep. Now I know so does Barbri or PMBR but Emanuel actually has a whole program totally geared toward MBE unlike these other programs which are a little bit of everything. I was a little hesitant Bar in a Box ...come on that sounds like a set of vodkas, mixtures with shot glasses and a shaker in a fancy box to me. Martini in a box. But I am highly impressed with not only the DVDs for each one of the 6 MBE topics which are clear and concise. Then you have outline books very similar to the conviser from Barbri but again only MBE topics and each one is about 100 pages with 33 questions from their self assessment test in the back. The study technique is to see DVDs (or attend live lectures) read the outlines 3 times thoroughly and do the 33 questions (each time). I am of course making flashcards too. They also provide you with 2 huge books of questions kind of like PMBR. I did like PMBR do not get me wrong, but keep in mind I am a retaker and also I scored low on my MBE so I need to bring up my score 22 points for July, so I think Emanuel is very helpful (a little clearer than some of the other outlines). I signed up for Adapitbar which was recommended by a few sites and also Thus is a pretty amazing website which has all real MBE questions from NCBEX and they come with explanations and answers and it keeps track of your scores and percentages. Worth the money and they have a discount available right now. It also does reporting and an analysis of how fast you should be answering to get the question right compared to past results. I can go on and on, but to be honest they let you try it out for free so you can see the different things the site has to offer.( I would highly recommend this to anyone who is sudying for the MBE. I am also going to recommend the book by Emmanuel Strategies and Tactics. I have not read it yet because I was advised to wait until I review the 6 MBE topics and take a simulated which I will soon. So Barbri yesy because we all know you need barbi to learn it all and well everyone else is in Barbri so you need to run with the curve but for retakers who do not want to do the Barbri retaker course these are excellent supplements for increasing your MBE score. Okay well I am done promoting (Disclaimer, I am not getting paid or kick backs for any of this but if anyone would like to give me a discount on one of their products I am always grateful). Back to studying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, so I used adaptibar and bar in the box primarily for my MBE this Feb 2010. After taking the exam in July 2009, do you feel these resources helped?