So I lets start with whats important.....I'M ENGAGED! Oh and I lost 5 lbs. I am not sure if I attribute it to Alli or to the 5 hours of hiking I did for 3 days or the white water rafting or the drinking tea and crackers for dinner for 10 days. Hmm, who would have thought exercise and eating less would work better than a pill. So yes, the engagement is official. It happened in the Ecuadorian Rain forest, wow! Could that get any more romantic. Not to mention it was in a lodge nestled in the trees overlooking the cloud forest, after drinking an entire bottle of cheap red wine and playing scrabble. I was exhausted from the 5 hour hike to the waterfalls and it was a perfect night to snuggle up and sit on my balcony in the rain forest drinking wine and playing German boardgames (oh I couldn't find the English scrabble). It was then that I heard the words "N, You are the one for me." "Will you marry me?" And a whole bunch of other very sweet romantic, tear jerking stuff that only people who are in love, engaged or newlyweds could appreciate. Or just any girl in general. So I will spare you all the story details, because you will probably hear it at my wedding when I say the speech of my two proposals. Yep, that is right. I get the honor of two proposals. I am not sure when the second one will be, but I am expecting down on one knee and all. Not sure if it can beat the rain forest, but I am sure it will be just as cool. The Midwestern had to ask my dad for my hand in Ecuador, so there were quite a few traditional steps he had to take before this became official. But if anyone knows me even a little, in my book I already have the date selected, colors picked, bridesmaid list, guest list, and instead of Google my homepage is http://www.theknot.com/. So it's official - Two proposals = two weddings. Clear your calendars!
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